A couple of weeks ago I stopped by my parent’s house before my mom, my sister and I were going to go shopping for baby stuff to put on the registry. There I told them about a dream I recently had.
The baby was just born, and it was girl. But I didn’t have a name for her for the longest time, and I was freaking out about it. Finally, I decided on “Read” — thinking it was so cool and that she was going to end up being so smart (reading a lot of books, of course!)
After I brought her home, everybody seemed to hate her name and then I wanted to change it and didn’t know what to do.
That was pretty much the extent of the dream, but then later that day (in real life) we were at the baby store where they had several different nurseries set up and decorated to display furniture and other items you could buy.
In one of these fake nurseries, they had the word “Read” spelled out in letters on a wall above a dresser. It was so weird because in all of the other nurseries I’ve seen, they’ve used letters like that to spell out the baby’s name.
“It’s a sign!” I said.
Maybe it’s time to put “Read” on the list of contenders!
Sue Drews
8 years ago
Too funny!!!
Now, speaking of the list of contenders – can I see a copy????