The Dreaded Bathroom: 2nd Doctor’s Apt

Fearing that I was going to repeat the whole bathroom ordeal from my first doctor’s appointment (click here if you missed that post), my plan heading in to my second doctor’s appointment was to drink a TON of water and NOT stop at the restroom beforehand. Seems simply enough, right?

Well, I got super busy at work that day and didn’t look down at the clock until it was time to go. “Oh no!” I texted Justin in panic. “I ran out of time, I didn’t drink anything! It’s going to happen AGAIN!”

I ran to the kitchen and chugged a cup of water, then filled up my water bottle for the road. I tried to continue drinking during the 10-minute walk, stopping at every red light to take a swig. By the time I got to the waiting room at the doctor’s office, I had just a little bit of water left and finished it up before I sat down. Phew! I think I will be okay. 

Thankfully, by the time they handed me the container for the sample, I definitely had to go to the bathroom! Hallelujah!!!

I finished my assignment no problem. The hard part was over! I walked back to the waiting room cool, confident, relaxed…

Then they called me for my appointment. The nurse took my blood pressure — this time, it was back to normal. But then she said there had been a problem with my pee sample from the last appointment and that I would have to do another one. Right then. On top of the one I had just done.


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